This page is for anyone who would like to help out with the costs of manufacturing my album.
The good news is that recording side of things is complete. However, to the cover the cost of paying for all of the musicians, who have been kind enough to allow me to pay them as and when I get the money, plus the mixing and Mastering, the artwork and the manufacturing, it is going to cost just under £5,000.
The album is a concept album of sorts. All of the songs are inspired by my Uncle who sadly is no longer with us. The songs are all based on different themes ranging from the pain of losing someone to an imaginary conversation between him and his baby girl.
The plan is to release the album on August the 27th 2013, which would have been his 50th birthday. The press normally need a 3 month lead up so I'd like to have the finished product by May 2013. This only gives me 2 months to try and raise the funds.
I would never expect anything for free so I have devised an itemised 'Pre-Order' price list to help cover the costs. Simply click on the link and you will be taken to PayPal payment page. Don't forget to leave your contact details so that I can send your items through to you.
I know that times are hard for everyone at present and completely understand if you can't afford one of the packages below. But you can still help me achieve my goal by spreading the word to anyone that you think may be interested in helping. There will hopefully be a series of gigs to promote the album so you can also help by suggesting venues or promoters. Maybe you'd like to put on a show yourself? If none of the above is possible then just a kind word of encouragement will go a long way. Anything that you can do to help will be gratefully appreciated.
I would like to thank you in advance of any help that you can give to see this project come to fruition.
A shrink wrapped copy of the CD
A signed copy of the CD
A signed CD plus MP3's
A signed CD plus MP3's and a T-Shirt
A signed CD, MP3's a T-Shirt plus a set of hand written Lyrics
A signed CD, MP3's, a T-Shirt plus a 30 min 'Skype Gig'
A signed CD, MP3's plus a specially filmed Live Video of a song
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